Sunday, April 22, 2012

Weekend Project

this weekend we have a new project. this yamaha YICZ 550 needs a lot of work but we will get it going soon.

Monday, April 16, 2012

butterscotch's Shoot

I haven't taken pictures of Butterscotch since he was a puppy and I thought that it was time for an update.

Nap Time

My Favorite Thing
                               If you don't get that last caption your just not in the know.



Hi There

Thursday, April 12, 2012


From Lacey's senior shoot I hope you like them.

Risky Reading

Blue Bonnets

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A Walk Through the Park

Had a great day yesterday just breaking out the 300 reflex lens and going to the park. I thought I would let you see what I saw yesterday.

Make a Wish

Bath Time
Painted Turtle Sunning
Where are the Flies?

Common water snake sunning
what can you capture today?

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Rain on the Wndows

Rain on the Window


This is a very high resolution panorama that I captured the other day and am going to be selling prints of it at 16in X 40 in on Fine Art Canvas With a Stretcher Frame. If you would like Like to have this beautiful canvas hanging on you wall it only costs $300.00 + S&H.

Well today was an amazing day, went down to Ennis, Tx today, and man were the blue bonnet fields were in full bloom.  Had a chance to captures a lot of unique images today. and after the drive in theater on Hwy 45 is pretty cool.


Friday, April 6, 2012

Field Day Today

the A.R.C.H.E. Field Day today was great. I took a lot of pictures and hope that they all are amazing. Here are just two from today.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

senior cookout

 here are just a few pictures from the senior cook out last weekend

britanys photo shoot

hey these here are some of the photographs that I have taken recently most are from Brittany's senior photo shoot, others are random pictures